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Pagājušā gada rudenī Zviedrijas finanšu ministrs Anderss Borgs, tiekoties ar ASV vēstnieku šajā valstī, izteicis pārliecību – pastāv 50 procentu iespējamība, ka līdz gada beigām lats tiks devalvēts un Baltijas valstis piedzīvos ekonomisko kolapsu, kas varētu ietekmēt visu reģionu, tā ka ASV vajadzētu izmantot savu ietekmi uz citām valstīm, lai to novērstu. Borgs arī atzinis: Zviedrijai bijis izšķirīgs tas, ka Latvija no sabrukuma tikusi izglābta veselas divas reizes – 2008. gada decembrī un 2009. gada jūnijā. Tas izriet no jaunākajām WikiLeaks publiskotajām ASV diplomātiskajām telegrammām, kuras nonākušas Pietiek rīcībā un kuru oriģinālus publiskojam pilnībā.

No šīm telegrammām, kuru sūtītāja bijusi ASV vēstniecība Stokholmā, izriet, ka Borgs vēstniekam Metjū  Barzunam norādījis – ASV vajadzētu saglabāt starptautisko fokusu uz Baltiju, „rīkojoties kā onkulim”, lai pastāstītu pasaulei, ka runa nav tikai par ekonomiku un ka patiesībā tā ir politiska lieta – arī mazākās valstis Austrumeiropā ir nozīmīgas, tostarp mazās demokrātijas ar lielo kaimiņu, kas var būt arī agresīvs.

2009. gada 8. septembra telegrammā teikts: Zviedrijas finanšu ministrs ASV vēstniekam atzinis, ka Latvijai ir divi ceļi. Labais ceļš – valdībai savākties un ņemt vērā tās solījumus Eiropas Komisijai un SVF; sliktais – nesaņemt politisku atbalstu tās solījumu turēšanai un ar laiku cita starpā riskēt ar Krievijas attieksmes maiņu pret Latviju. Politiski neesot pieļaujama Baltijas valstu sabrukšana, taču tiešām pastāvot 50% iespējamība, ka „tas viss var sabrukt līdz gada beigām”.

Šis sabrukums, kā atzinis Borgs, gan nebūtu milzīgs risks tieši Zviedrijai, toties visam reģionam gan: 2008. gada beigās un 2009. gada jūnijā Latvijas ekonomiskais kolapss Zviedrijai būtu izšķiroši kritisks, taču 2009. gada rudenī zviedru kompānijām jau atkal esot pieejami kredīti starptautiskajos tirgos, tā padarot ekonomiku izturīgāku. Reālas problēmas varētu būt vienīgi Swedbank, taču, kā norādījis Borgs, „problēma ar vienu banku nav banku krīze”.

Savukārt citā telegrammā, kas datēta ar 2009. gada 7. oktobri, ASV vēstnieks Stokholmā ziņojis, kā zviedru amatpersonas publiski šaustījušas Latvijas valdību par nespēju sagatavot budžeta projektu, kas atbilstu SVF un ES nosacījumiem.

ASV diplomātiskajā telegrammā norādīts, ka Borgs palielinājis spiedienu uz Latvijas valdību, publiski norādot, ka būs ļoti grūti nodrošināt aizdevēju turpmāku atbalstu, ja „latvieši pat nepilda to, ko apsolījuši”, un ka „jūs vienkārši varat tā neuzvesties”. Līdzīgi izteicies arī Zviedrijas premjers Fredriks Reinfeldts, savukārt Latvijas premjers Valdis Dombrovskis pietiekami asi atbildējis, ka šie komentāri nav „palīdzoši” un ka viņš aiz Borga komentāriem neredzot uzticamu ekonomisko analīzi. „Es esmu veicis pārrunas ar SVF un EK, un viņi nav bijuši ne tuvu Borga agresivitātes līmeņa izrādīšanai

ASV vēstnieks ziņojis, ka lielāko Ziemeļvalstu banku publiskajos izteikumos Zviedrijas valdības rūpes nav atbalsojušās, taču telegrammā pieminēts ekonomista Alfa Vanaga izteikums laikrakstā Dagens Industri: „Andersa Borga un SVF viedokļi [par pašreizējo situāciju] ir daudz sliktāki, nekā viņi vēlas atzīt publiski. Pašreizējā situācija Latvijā ir tāda, ka valdība nav spējīga vienoties ne par ko.”

ASV vēstnieka komentārs par šo situāciju ir bijis šāds: „Mēs domājam, ka šis negaidītais publiskais pārrāvums vairāk ir signāls Latvijas valdībai nekā zīme par Zviedrijas plāniem atsaukt atbalstu Latvijas pašreizējās ekonomiskās stabilizācijas programmai. Zviedrijas Finanšu ministrijas amatpersonas un Zviedrijas baņķieri ir atkārtoti mums teikuši par savu ciešo sadarbību ar Latvijas kolēģiem. Bankas mums ir apgalvojušas, ka tās plāno palikt Latvijā ilgtermiņā, lai palielinātu savu tirgus daļu, un ka tās uzskata Baltiju kā savu māju tirgu.

Kritika, ko mums pastāvīgi ir izteicis finanšu ministrs Borgs un viņa valsts sekretāri Pērs Jansons un Matss Odels, ir saistīta ar Latvijas „neokonservatīvās” valdības „politisko filozofiju”, ka tā izvēlas starptautiskās [iespējams, domāts – iekšējās] devalvācijas sāpīgo kursu tā vietā, lai pielāgotu savu valūtu, un viņi cenšas visu pielāgošanu veikt caur ievērojamu budžeta griešanu un nevis nodokļu palielināšanu. Kopš jūlija Zviedrijas amatpersonas ir šaubījušās, vai Latvijas plāni ir ilgtspējīgi, un finanšu ministrs Borgs mums ir stāstījis, ka devalvācijas iespēja līdz gada beigām ir 50 pret 50. Lata devalvācija radītu paātrinātus, bet kontrolējamus to Zviedrijas banku aizdevumu zudumus, kurām ir ievērojama ekspozīcija Latvijā.”

Savukārt ar pagājušā gada 29. oktobri datētā ASV vēstniecības telegrammā ziņots, ka Latvijas valdība beidzot spējusi piedāvāt pieņemamu budžeta konsolidācijas plānu, lai gan Latvijas amatpersonas vismaz pagaidām noraidījušas Zviedrijas ieteikumus fiskālās pielāgošanas slogu vairāk pārcelt no tēriņu samazināšanas uz nodokļu palielinājumu. Saistībā ar to ASV vēstniecība izteikusi pieņēmumu, ka atbalsts pasākumiem, kas padarīs neaizsargātu Latvijas iedzīvotāju trūcīgāko daļu, sarežģīs Zviedrijas valdības situāciju, jo to par šādu nostāju var sākt kritizēt centriski kreisā opozīcija.

ASV vēstniecības telegrammā norādīts, ka Dombrovska valdība ir atteikusies izskatīt Zviedrijas ieteikumus par budžetu jau iepriekš. Zviedri uzskatot, ka Latvijai vajadzētu paaugstināt nekustamo īpašumu nodokli un ieviest arī progresīvo ienākumu nodokli, taču Latvijas valdība šīs rekomendācijas neatbalstot. Tāpat Zviedrijas valdībai esot īpašas rūpes par budžeta samazinājumiem, kas ietekmēs skolas un slimnīcas, taču, kā norādīts telegrammā, „par šiem pasākumiem jau ir izlemts”. Savukārt Zviedrijas Finanšu ministrijas amatpersonas telefonsaruna ar Latvijas finanšu ministru „Aināru Repši” neesot „noritējusi īpaši labi”.

Šīs ASV diplomātiskās telegrammas vēl nav publiskotas WikiLeaks centrālajā vietnē. Pirmoreiz atklātībā to pārstāsts parādījies Zviedrijas interneta vietnē realtid.se.

Id: 223987      date: 9/8/2009 8:34     refid: 09STOCKHOLM570

Origin: Embassy Stockholm

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL






1. (C) Summary: In a meeting with the U.S. Ambassador, Sweden,s Finance Minister Anders Borg praised the new mind set of the U.S. Administration that has us participating in international institutions. He urged the U.S. to keep countries focused on the political need to prevent an economic collapse in the Baltics, opining that the Baltics still faced a 50% chance of collapse by December. Such a decline would not threaten Sweden, he said, but would have consequences for the region. At the G20, Sweden hopes for a strong statement showing political will to finance measures against climate change. Borg described EU efforts to improve regulation of the financial system, expressing concern that the unavoidable result would be separate U.S. and European capital markets, which could prove problematic and protectionist. End summary Welcoming U.S. Willingness to Work as a Partner

2. (C) On August 25, the Ambassador paid his introductory courtesy call on Finance Minister Anders Borg. Borg began by describing enthusiasm in Europe and especially among Sweden,s political elite for the new U.S. mind frame under the Obama Administration whereby the U.S. had become more participatory in international institutions. He praised the &extraordinary8 statements by Secretary Geitner that the U.S. would be part of in the IMF Financial Sector Assessment program (FSAP) and related processes. He said U.S. participation was key to the credibility of all such programs. The &big shift8 in the U.S. attitude that had us now being a partner in such efforts, he said, made it a lot easier to be a friend of the United States. He noted that even his children were sporting Obama T-shirts around the house. U.S. Needs to Keep the Focus on the Baltics

3. (C) In response to the Ambassador,s question on what else the U.S. could be doing, Borg said it was important for the U.S. to keep the international focus on the Baltics, acting like an uncle to tell the world it is not just a simple matter of economics, but a political matter that some smaller countries in Eastern Europe are also important, including these &small, newly established democracies with a large neighbor who can be aggressive.8 Borg noted that U.S. Treasury is &very constructive8 and doing a &very, very good, very constructive job8 in this regard.

4. (C) Borg expressed the hope that we are seeing some kind of stabilization in Latvia. He said Latvia could be on one of two paths: The good path of the government pulling together, delivering on its promises to the European Commission and the IMF; political support for those commitments not declining; and global economic recovery. Or, Latvia could be on the bad path of no political support for keeping its commitments, no delivery on those commitments, no global recovery, and a drop in oil prices that would bring problems for Russia, and be quite problematic for Russian behavior toward Latvia. He said politically we cannot have the Baltics becoming failing states, or something that Russia would dub a failing state to justify picking up cheap collateral through Russian investment geared to gaining dominance in these countries.

5. (C) Borg noted that substantial problems remained in all the Baltic economies. Twenty-five percent current deficits had gone to balance within six months, but large imbalances remained, such as the very weak export sector. On the other hand, he said, all three economies were quite flexible, had flexible labor laws and the &spirit8 where they believed they would be strong economically in the future. Although you can see positive signs, he cautioned, there remains a 50% probability that it could all break down by year-end. Spillover Risk from A Baltic Collapse

6. (C) Borg said a Baltic collapse was a major risk for the region, but not for Sweden. Borg said it was crucial for Sweden that Latvia was saved from collapse in December 2008 and June 2009, but now Swedish companies were again getting credit on international markets making the economy less vulnerable. There would be problems in one or two specific banks, but one of them was owned by the Wallenberg family which had its own good cash balance. The problem, Borg said, is Swedbank, but a problem with one bank is not a banking crisis. (Comment: Swedbank is one of the four large banking STOCKHOLM 00000570 002 OF 002 groups in Sweden that combined handle 80% of banking activity in Sweden.) G-20 Needs to Issue Strong Statement on Climate Change

7. (C) In response to the Ambassador,s question about Sweden,s goals for the G20 Summit, Borg noted that now that financial markets were &a bit more normal8 we should do two things: build on work already done to prevent a repeat economic crisis; and increase emphasis on financing efforts to combat climate change. In order to have success at Cop-15, Borg said, we need a strong G20 statement from U.S. and European leaders showing strong political will to find a solution on financing efforts against climate change. Financial Regulatory Reform Yielding Separate U.S. and European Systems

8. (C) On financial reform, Borg explained that we no longer need acute crisis management, but to work on the Bretton Woods institutions. Noting that Sweden and the U.S. were co-chairs the Financing Group, he said U.S. Treasury was actually leading, which was okay because Treasury was pushing in the right direction toward solutions and increased efficiency.

9. (C) Borg said we need to strengthen many parts of the financial regulatory system, &We don,t need more or less regulation, we need better regulation8. He said the EU was working on a macrosupervisory Board, cooperation between Financial Supervisory Authorities, cooperation between national Central Banks, common European institutions, and new common decision making given the challenges of cross-border banking. He cited the need for strong regulation of the internal business of the banking system, for example bonuses and renumeration must consider society,s interests as well as the bank,s interests because taxpayers could be forced to pay the bill of a failed bank.

10. (C) Borg said the EU does not want to hinder capital markets, but private equity needs prudent regulation. He said that hedge funds and private equity funds had not been a cause of the current crisis, but could be a problem in the long-run. He cited Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) as one hedge fund that did almost devastate the financial sector in the past. Noting the need for prudency in risk-taking, Borg said it was reasonable that firms should be held responsible for risk they are exposed to, what kind of balance sheets they main, their valuation, and similar matters.

11. (C) Borg said that in a perfect world, there would be only one set of regulations, and it would be better to have one institution. But, we live in an imperfect where the U.S. and Europe will each have one institution, which &could cause some problems.8 He said he was aware that having one capital market in Europe and one in the U.S. &could be protectionist and problematic.8 Sweden to Address Long-Term Problems in the Labor Market

12. (C) The DCM then asked Borg about the government,s current negotiations over the government budget. Borg said his government would implement a second round of crisis measures this coming year. Because public finances had been better than expected, the deficit would decline to 1.3 or 1.4% by 2011 (after being 3.5% in 2009 and 3.4% in 2010) . Measures taken include temporary measures to stimulate demand such as local government support, infrastructure, temporary education schemes and changes to labor laws. The next round of the government,s response was dealing with long-term structural problems in the labor market. Borg explained that 300,000 jobs had been lost in the current crisis and 100,000 of those losses could be permanent. The government, he said, needed to go more to make work pay and incentivize people to stay in the labor market rather than the current cycle: unemployment benefits; job re-training; and then directly into early retirement. He noted that in his public statements, he was careful not to commit to specific job creation benefits from government measures, since you could not ensure delivery.

BARZUN Newdate: 2009-09-08

Origin: Embassy Stockholm







1. (U) Summary: Swedish officials publicly chastised the Government of Latvia for its inability to present a 2010 budget that would satisfy IMF and EU conditions during the annual IMF meeting this weekend. Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and Finance Minister Andres Borg warned Riga that next disbursements of the aid to rescue the Latvian economy will be jeopardized if Latvian authorities fail to follow through on promises made to lenders. Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis called the comments unhelpful while Swedish banks reiterated their commitment to stay the course in Latvia. End Summary.

2. (U) The Latvian government in July renegotiated the original terms of the $10.5 billion rescue package agreed upon on in December 2008 and committed to reduce the 2010 budget deficit to 10 percent by cutting spending by $1 billion in 2010 to secure the second tranche of the aid package, to which Sweden is third largest contributor after the EU and the IMF. Prime Minister Dombrovskis on 20 September, however, presented a 2010 budget outline that effectively acknowledged that the government will not comply with its IMF and EU commitments.

3. (U) Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg increased the pressure on the Latvian government by stating publicly that it will be very difficult to secure the continued support of other lenders "if the Latvians don't even live up to what they promised." "You can simply not behave like this," Borg said. Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt echoed Borg's comments and expressed publically his displeasure with the Latvian government's lack of commitment to follow through. "If you make a deal to get a hold on the Latvian economy, then the Latvian Government has to make sure to do its part of the bargain," Reinfeldt said and at the same time warned that "the cuts are preconditions for (Sweden) to make the payments and that "the IMF will also have issues with this."

4. (U) The Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis responded by calling these comments "unhelpful" and added that the Latvian government is trying to avoid saving for the sake of saving alone. "I have heard no credible economic analysis behind the comments by Borg," Dombrovskis said. Despite the concerns, Dombrovskis reiterated that Riga will meet the deficit goal (of no more than 10 percent of GDP in 2010 and 8.5 percent the following year) despite smaller cuts and questioned the economic reasons that would justify Borg's comments. He expressed his disillusionment by adding: "I have held negotiations with the IMF and the European Commission and they have not even been close to show the same level of aggressiveness as Borg." Swedish banks not concerned, prepared for all possible outcomes --------------------------------------------- ---

5. (U) Despite the concern expressed by Reinfeldt and Borg, major Nordic banks have not publically echoed the Swedish government's concerns. "There are now ongoing negotiations on the third part of the IMF support-package and these recent statements should be viewed in the light of that," said Thomas Backteman, Director of Communications at Swedbank. Backteman noted that "we have continuous contacts with Swedish authorities and politicians." Backteman emphasized that "(Swedbank's) strategy is to be prepared for all possible outcomes and that "no EU member will be allowed to cancel its payments." "Latvia has not had reason to change over the last couple of days," according to Backteman." Vivika Hirdman-Ryrberg, Head of Communications at SEB, mirrored Backteman's comments and emphasized publically the Swedish banks' joint declaration in September to continue its long-term commitments in the region. Similarly, Nordea's Helena Vsterman, Chief Press Officer, said that there appears to be no reason for concern and that "there are no reasons for changing (Nordea's) strategy in the Baltic region. For us there are no greater reasons for concern now than it was earlier."

6. (U) In contrast, the Stockholm Business Daily Newspaper Dagens Industri reported that the situation is far worse than it seems. Alf Vanags, Director at the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies, commented that "Anders Borg's and the IMF's views [on the current situation] are far worse than they want to admit publicly. The current situation in Latvia is that the government is not capable of agreeing on anything." He added that "(he) has long believed that the way out of this situation, and it would be a good way, would be to change the exchange rate. That would give the government authorities room to act."

7. (SBU) Comment: We think this sudden public breach is more a signal to the Latvian government than a sign of Swedish plans to withdrawal of support for Latvia's current economic stabilization program. Swedish Finance Ministry officials, and Swedish bankers, have repeatedly told us of their close cooperation with Latvian counterparts. The banks have assured us they intend to stay in Latvia for the long haul to expand their market share, and that they STOCKHOLM 00000631 002.2 OF 002 view the Baltics as their home market. The criticism consistently voiced to us by Finance Minister Borg, and his State Secretaries Per Jansson and Matts Odell is that because of the "political philosophy" of the "neoconservative" Latvian government they are choosing the painful course of an international devaluation rather than adjusting their currency, and they are attempting the entire adjustment through severe budget cuts rather than tax increases. Since July, Swedish officials have questioned whether Latvia's plans were sustainable, with Finance Minister Borg telling us the chance of a devaluation by year-end were 50-50.

8. (SBU) Comment: A lats devaluation would result in accelerated, but manageable, loan losses for those Swedish banks with significant exposure to Latvia. The risks the Latvian economy poses to Swedish banks became evident shortly after Borg and Reinfeldt's comments during the October 5 trading session as SEB and Swedbank stocks fell by 4 and 2 percent, respectively. Post will follow up with our contacts and report more via septel. End comment.

BARZUN Newdate: 2009-10-07

Id: 232033      date: 10/29/2009 14:09  refid: 09STOCKHOLM678

Origin: Embassy Stockholm      







1. (U) Summary: Sweden is optimistic about Latvia's 2010 budget proposal, but Stockholm is concerned about the income distribution effects of the measures. Sweden's appeals to shift more of the fiscal adjustment burden from expenditure cuts to tax increases have been rejected by Riga so far. Supporting measures that fail to protect the poorer part of the Latvian population will become increasingly difficult for the current Swedish government as it may face criticism from the center-left political opposition. End Summary

2. (SBU) On October 26, the Latvian government announced a budget deal that included the required 500 million lats in savings in the 2010 budget. On October 22, in discussing Latvia's agreement to this level of savings, the Swedish Finance Ministry Assistant State Secretary told the Embassy he assessed the Latvian situation as rather good, certainly better than it appeared only a few weeks ago. There are some indications that the budget situation for 2009 is not quite as gloomy as previously predicted, he said. He explained that some revenues are greater than expected and suggested that this might make up for some of the optimistic calculations on the proposed budget cuts for 2010. The Swedes assess that some of the proposed budget cuts will lead to a worsened situation for the poorer part of the population; such as a lower basic income deductible, as well as lower deductions for families with children. Taken together, the measures with the wrong income distribution effects amount to around 50-60 Million Lats, about 10-12 % of the required cuts.

3. (SBU) The Assistant State Secretary for Finance said it is no se cret that the Swedish government (and IMF and the EU) would like to see other measures in the budget. The Latvian government has refused to consider Swedish budget suggestions in the past by objecting that the measures are not politically feasible. For example, Swedish believe Latvia could raise its property tax on a par with other countries and could replace large parts of the cuts on income deductions. Instead, the property tax has now been reduced to 0.1 % in the proposal, resulting in very little revenue. The Swedish government has also proposed a progressive tax rate to scale up the whole income tax scale, across the board. The Assistant State Secretary said that other measures, such as increasing the VAT and Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg's "favorite measure" of increasing the pension age, now reportedly 59 years, have been similarly rejected. (Comment: The Latvian government has agreed to some tax measures, many of which were recommended by the IMF and EU. End Comment)

4. (SBU) The Assistant State Secretary told us that the Latvian government, IMF, and EU took part in a telephone conference on October 22 to discuss the revenue side of the budget (with Latvian Finance Minister Ainars Repse taking part). The telephone conference did not go very well, according to the Assistant State Secretary, with the IMF and EU expressing serious concerns about the income distribution profile of the proposed budget cuts. The EU and the IMF urged the Latvian government to reconsider the measures, but Repse defended the budget proposal since it was the only politically viable solution in Latvia. Repse indicated the Latvian government intends to present the budget to the Parliament on October 28. (The Latvian government postponed the budget submission deadline to Monday, November 2, after the EU and the IMF demanded the latvian government give them more time to analyze and respond to the budget proposal.)

5. (SBU) The parties held another teleconference on 23 October, this time to discuss the expenditure side of the budget. The Assistantn State Secretary lamented that the documentation provided by the Latvian government is very difficult to understand in order to have a meaningful review and discussion about the cuts. Although less politically sensitive than the revenue side of the budget, the Swedish government has particular concerns about cuts affecting schools and hospitals, but those measures have been already decided.

6. (U) Comment: The Swedish government is very concerned about the income distribution effects of the Latvian measures, and have for a long time argued for tax increases, rather than expenditure cuts. Among other reasons, the Alliance government here knows that it will be open to attacks from the opposition if the Latvian government adopts a budget with this type of income distribution profile as part of the IMF program. This might be a difficult issue to handle for the Swedish government as it moves towards the next general election here in 2010. End comment.

7. This cable has been coordinated with Embassy Riga.

Newdate: 2009-10-29 <SLUT>

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Nolikt ziedus nepareizā vietā – tas mūsdienu Latvijas PSR ir noziegums!

FotoValsts policijas Latgales reģiona pārvaldes Ziemeļlatgales iecirknis no 15. marta līdz 14. aprīlim piefiksējis trīs epizodes, kurās kāds vīrietis pie tā sauktā “Aļoša” nojauktā pieminekļa vietā nolicis sarkanas un baltas neļķes. Sākotnēji par katru no epizodēm uzsākts administratīvā pārkāpuma process par militāras agresijas slavināšu, tomēr pēc personas identificēšanas, nopratināšanas un motīvu noskaidrošanas nolemts izdarīto pārkvalificēt kriminālprocesā par kara noziegumu attaisnošanu.
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Par varu

FotoKad sapulces telpā ienāk starojoša sieviete un visi vīrieši uz mirkli pazaudē domas pavedienu, vai šai sievietei kāds pie durvīm piešķīra varu tā izrīkoties? Kad darba kolektīvā pēkšņi ierunājas pieredzējis inženieris un apstrīd vadības vēstījumu, bet vairums kolēģu pieslejas viņam, vai viņš šo izrīkotiesspēju ieguva vardarbīgi? Kad cilvēks ir samelojies, un otrs liecinieku klātbūtnē to pierāda, liekot pirmajam no kauna zemē līst, vai kāds ir otrajam formāli piešķīris varu šādi nejauki izrīkoties ar pirmo? Vai viņš pats to ar spaidu palīdzību ir izcīnījis?
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Dažas pārdomas Edgara Kauliņa dzimšanas dienā

FotoAprit gadskārta, kopš dzimis viens no mūsu novada cilvēkiem, kas ne tikai atstājis daudzus nostāstus par sevi, bet arī izraisījis plašas diskusijas un neviennozīmīgu vērtējumu.
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Vai esam ceļā uz “Baltijas tīģera” stāstu? Izskatās - būs jāpagaida

FotoMan bija gods piedalīties smalkā politekonomiskās elites pasākumā (ar stilīgu nosaukumu LaSER vai “lāzers”), kur tika apskatīti četri Latvijas ekonomikas attīstības scenāriji līdz 2040.gadam: (1) Baltijas tīģeris; (2) Ziemeļvalsts Latvija; (3) Gurdenā Latvija un (4) Vientuļā Latvija. Lielais vairums nobalsoja par “Baltijas tīģera” scenāriju, kas uzsvaru liek uz inovācijām, zināšanām, konkurētspēju, Baltijas sadarbību enerģētikā un valsts sektora efektivitāti pasaules mērogā, plus Rīgu kā Baltijas izglītības un biznesa ekselences centru.
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Iepriekšējie komentāri un viedokļi Foto

Cik stabila ir Evikas Siliņas koalīcija? 8 no 10 stabila

Cik stabila ir Evikas Siliņas koalīcija? Es teiktu 8 no 10 stabila, jo…  Jaunā Vienotība (JV) ir atdevusi...


Jūs smiesieties, bet neko ticamāku mēs nespējām sacerēt

Politisko partiju apvienība Jaunā Vienotība vēršas Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojā (turpmāk KNAB) ar iesniegumu par slēptās priekšvēlēšanu aģitācijas vēršanu...


Zog, acīs skatīdamies, bet stāsta, ka tas visvairāk ir vajadzīgs pašiem apzagtajiem

Jampadracis ap Lucavsalas ežiem un futbola stadionu parādīja, cik dīvainā Latvijā mēs dzīvojam. Turklāt...


Cīņā pret nomelnošanu un nevajadzīgām intrigām – Mūzikas akadēmijas skandāla aizkulises

Vēlos padalīties ar sajūtām un lieliem novērojumiem par to, kas notiek, - par reālo situāciju...


Krievijas aktivitātes var uzskatīt par šokējoši efektīvām, un Latvijas „sabiedrisko” mediju mērķtiecīgā kampaņa par krievu valodu šobrīd jāskata šajā kontekstā

Drošības eksperti vienbalsīgi norāda uz to,...


Sankciju patiesais labums: Apvienotā saraksta plāns aizvērt ostas varētu arī nebūt nejaušs

Deklarētais mērķis - atbalsts Ukrainai Latvijas ostu paralizēšanai - šķiet šizofrēnisks, jo kā gan...


Priekšlikums ir tikai par mūsu nodokļu maksātāju segtajām atlīdzībām

Atsaucoties uz 2024. gada 18. aprīļa publikāciju "Aicinājums valsts amatpersonai Kristovskim: pirms publicēt ziņas par svešām algām,...


Aicinājums valsts amatpersonai Kristovskim: pirms publicēt ziņas par svešām algām, atklājiet savus ikmēneša ienākumus!

Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis iesniedzis Saeimā priekšlikumu publicēt jebkuras valsts amatpersonas ienākumus ik...


„Re:Baltica” cenšas izdarīt uz spiedienu uz Sabiedrības integrācijas fondu, tam izvērtējot šīs organizācijas rīcību ar nodokļu maksātāju naudu

Publiskajā telpā tiek apspriesta Re:Baltica projektu vērtēšana, kuri...


Mazie modulārie kodolreaktori (SMR) – sapņi un realitāte

Igaunija plānojot būvēt divus līdz četrus, savukārt Polija pat 25 mazos kodolreaktorus. Presē bija pārmetumi, ka Latvija atpaliekot...


“Iekļaujošas valodas ceļvedis” ir valodas manipulācija, kas deformē valodas struktūras un pasaules uztveri

Valsts valodas centra Latviešu valodas ekspertu komisija 2024. gada 10. aprīļa sēdē (protokola...


Sāga par nogriezto ausi

Domāju, visi, kas mazliet seko notikumiem pasaulē, zina, ka, aizturot aizdomās turamos par terora aktu “Crocus City Hall”, vienam no notvertajiem nogrieza...


Kad barbari un svoloči, ķengu portāli un vajātāju orda beigs uzbrukt sabiedriskajiem medijiem?

Es zinu, mani bērni, mani jaunie draugi, mani ilggadējie žurnālista ceha biedri, arī...


No strupceļa uz atdzimšanu

Draugi un domubiedri! Mēs esam nacionālās atdzimšanas priekšvakarā! Un es zinu, ka daudzi šobrīd man nepiekritīs. Tik tiešām – brīžiem šķiet, ka...


Tabu jautājumi par Latvijas ekonomiku

Pēdējo gandrīz trīsdesmit gadu laikā Latvijas iekšzemes kopprodukts uz vienu iedzīvotāju salīdzināmajās cenās palielinājies vairāk nekā trīs reizes (runa ir par...


Mediju diskusija Rīgas pilī atsedz līdz šim slēptās problēmas sabiedriskajos medijos

Pirmdien Rīgas pilī notikusī valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča rosinātā diskusija par sabiedrisko mediju nākotnes attīstību...


„Sabiedriskie” mediji uzsāk atklātu konfrontāciju ar Latviju

“Latvijas radio” redaktori un citi vadošie publicējuši atklāto vēstuli, kurā gaužas, ka apdraudēta vārda brīvība, ka soctīklos žurnālisti saņem...


Sabiedriskais medijs, plurālisms un demokrātija

Pirmkārt, mediji nav ceturtā vara, tā ir tā saucamā ceturtā vara. Ieskatāmies Satversmē un redzam, ka mums kā jau demokrātiskā valstī ir trīs...


Atbalstiet mūsu runas brīvību, liedzot to citiem, kuru viedoklis nav ne pareizs, ne svarīgs!

Pēdējo nedēļu laikā Latvijā ir pastiprinājušās jau agrāk novērotas tendences, kas liecina...


Prezidenta Makrona paziņojumi paver jaunas politikas iespēju

Jāsaka, ka Francijas prezidenta Makrona pēdējo nedēļu paziņojumi attiecībā uz iespējamo spēku izvietošanu Ukrainā, kā arī vārdu apmaiņa ar...


Labā un ļaunā saknes

Ādolfs Hitlers, atbildot uz žurnālista jautājumu, kāpēc viņu ievēl arvien vairāk un vairāk cilvēku, atbildēja: "Viņi mani izvēlas, jo kaut kur dziļi...


Krišjāņa Kariņa Briseles scenārija psiholoģiskā kļūda

Tieši pirms Lieldienu brīvdienām Latvijas politisko dzīvi satricināja vietējas nozīmes polittrīce – no amata atkāpās ārlietu ministrs Krišjānis Kariņš. Tas...


Nelāgi sanācis IRšiem...

Pirms kāda laiciņa rakstīju, ka abonējamais reklāmas buklets “IR” sācis interesēties par Ogres novadā nodarbinātajiem maniem domubiedriem. Tagad “sensacionālais” raksts beidzot ir iznācis...


Lieldienas ir labākā atbilde dzīves krīzēm

Lieldienas ir labākā atbilde dzīves krīzēm. Īpaši šobrīd, kad krīžu daudzums pats jau ir pietuvojies krīzes līmenim – politiskā krīze,...


„Slikto” valodu vaininieki

Krievu valodas noturībā Latvijā vainojami nevis krievi, bet latvieši, un tā ir mūsu, nevis krievu mentalitātes īpašība, kas ar kaimiņu liek runāt viņa...


Seksuālo attiecību svārsts. Tuvojamies vīriešu ierobežošanas ekstrēmam

Tieslietu ministre Inese Lībiņa-Egnere ir rosinājusi noteikt kriminālatbildību par seksuālu uzmākšanos. “Seksuālā uzmākšanās ir cilvēka cieņas aizskaršana. Tā aptver...


Nē seksuālai vardarbībai!

Izskatās, ka ejam uz to, ka vīrietis ar sievieti varēs iepazīties un ielaisties tikai tad, ja neviens nav ar citu, ja tas notiek...